Frequently Asked Questions

MHS Clinics use metabolic testing and pathology to offer an evidence-based, lifestyle based clinical weight management program tailored to your needs. Here are some common questions about our clinical management programs:

What is MHS?

Metabolic Health Solutions is an Australian company that provides the technology, systems and solutions that help people lose weight, keep it off, and improve their metabolic health.

Where does fat go when you lose it?

The short answer is we breath it out, which is why our programs include testing of oxygen and carbon dioxide to determine which fuels (fat vs glucose) your body is burning. If your not burning fat, weight loss can be difficult. Click here to find out more.

How can MHS help?

If your weight is impacting your health, or you are suffering from a metabolic disorder such as diabetes, PCOS or fatty liver MHS can help.

By accurately assessing and evaluating your metabolism, body composition and weight we remove the guesswork  to design a program tailored just for you.

  • Lose weight and more importantly keep it off
  • Gain energy and reduce fatigue
  • Manages metabolic disease such as Diabetes, PCOS and Fatty Liver
  • Reduce joint stress and pain
  • Take control of your health

Take our free metabolic questionnaire to see if we can help you, simply click here.

What results should I expect?

MHS have helped more than 1000 West Australians improve their metabolic health since 2014. 96% of weight management clients successfully lose weight with us and 74% maintain weight loss over 12 months. Our clinically significant results are associated with a reduction in diabetes risk, pain and medication requirements. Many clients also report improved energy, sleep and overall wellbeing.

However everyone is different, and as a chronic disease and weight management advisory service we do not ensure weight loss. Click here to read more about our results.

What testing does it involve?

Using technology only available previously to athletes and research MHS can produce a nutrition, activity and lifestyle program based on your metabolic results to get you FAT burning and gaining energy.

Metabolism testing involves a 5-10 minute breath analysis, in a semi reclined position (see image). During the test we would like you to relax and breathe as normally as possible through the mouthpiece.

Key parameters assessed are listed below and allows our practitioners to individualise our programs based on our clients unique metabolism.

  • Resting Metabolic Rate (Calories) - Is your metabolism fast or slow?
  • Fuel Utilisation (Fat vs Glucose) - Are you burning the right fuels for weight loss?
  • Energy Efficiency (%) - How efficient are your cells?

Body composition testing requires you to lie on your back and allow us to attach some electrodes to your wrist and ankle (see image).

Key parameters assessed are listed below and allows our practitioners to ensure that weight loss is from fat not muscle. Muscle maintenance is key for long term weight management and chronic disease management.

  • Fat Mass
  • Active Tissue Mass
  • Hydration Status

MHS also advises a metabolic pathology screen to identifying potential energy disorders, but may not be routinely screened by your health professional. This can help improve monitoring, management and outcomes.

I am considering weight loss surgery, can MHS help?

Bariatric surgery isn't for everyone, there are risks, financial considerations and medical issues to take into account.

MHS can provide an effective, evidence based, metabolic approach to obesity, and have also helped many who have already been through the process but are struggling with a plateau or regain.

Take our free metabolic questionnaire to see if we can help you, simply click here.

Why do I need to measure my metabolism when I can use online calculators and activity trackers?

Calorie calculators, even those used by health professionals are based on population wide data and assume average energy needs based on sex, age, height, and weight. They are inaccurate and often misleading, with one major study finding a +/- 30% error. It is important to note that they can't calculate what fuel is being burnt (fat or glucose) - a key measure when it comes to weight loss and health.

How long will an appointment take?

Please allocate 1 hour for your initial appointment. Follow up appointments may be shorter and your practitioner will advise accordingly.

What do I have to do before my appointment?

In order for you to get the most out of your visit it is required that you follow our pre-test protocol.


  • Take all prescribed medications as per normal
  • If you are unwell, please contact the clinic to reschedule your appointment
  • Wear comfortable, casual clothing and bring a drink bottle


  • Consume any foods or fluids (except water) for a minimum of 4 hours prior to your appointment [It is recommended that you do not fast for longer than 12 hours. If on insulin adjust accordingly]
  • Consume alcohol for 12 hours prior to your appointment
  • Exercise for 12 hours prior to your appointment
  • Have any stimulants (caffeine, cigarettes) for 4 hours prior to your appointment
  • Bath/Shower in hot water for 4 hours prior to your appointment
How long are your programs?

The number and frequency of your appointments will be discussed with you by your practitioner once they understand your treatment needs and goals.

Evidence has shown that it takes at least 3 months for habits to form and significant metabolic health changes to occur. We offer individual visits and modular programs that combine our validated metabolic testing with personalised professional support to help understand how your body works and what lifestyle strategies (including diet and activity) will be most effective to improve your metabolic health and support your long-term health and weight loss goals.

What are your opening hours?

MHS offers appointments from 7.30am until 5.30pm, with days depending on clinic. Bookings are essential, please contact us.

How much does it cost

We consider our programs an investment in your health to improve your quality of life, gain energy and lose weight. Our prices are in line with other allied health services with an initial 1 hour appointment costing $185 and less with rebates.

However, everyone is unique, so it can be difficult to estimate cost without knowing your case history, goals, and and the level of professional help required. For a detailed quote, please don't hesitate to contact us to book in for an initial appraisal.

Are Medicare rebates available?

Yes, chronic disease management referrals are claimable through Medicare. Click here for more details.

Are private health fund rebates available?

Yes, our services are run by qualified health professionals and you may be eligible for private health insurance rebates depending on your level of cover. We recommend consulting with your health fund provider about eligible rebates, and quoting codes for an initial (102) and follow up (202).

Why do you require a deposit

Evidence and experience has shown that upfront payment improves compliance and outcomes for clients. It also helps to keep clinical costs down and maximises our availability.

Do I need a doctors referral?

No, visits to MHS can occur privately without referral so that you can start improving your quality of life straight away. Results can also be forwarded to a GP if requested.

What happens if I need to cancel or reschedule?

Please refer to our cancellation policy for terms and conditions. Fees may apply.

Find out how MHS can help you